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We're Heading to Georgia Tech!

Go Tech!

I am overwhelmingly grateful to announce that I will be pursuing my Master's in Computer Science at Georgia Tech starting Fall 2024! 🐝🐝

Georgia Tech Logo

It takes a village, and I have so many people to thank for helping me get to this point. I first want to thank my academic references - Dr. Abdullah, Dr. Billah, Dr. Gui and David Koelle - for their continued support and encouragement throughout this application season. Next, I want to thank Charles River Analytics for their unwavering support in my dreams of pursuing graduate school. Most of all, I want to thank my family and friends for their unwavering support and encouragement. I am so grateful to have such an amazing collection of loved ones in my life, and to be in a position where graduate education is a possibility. I am absolutely thrilled with my decision, and cannot wait to start this next academic chapter!

I will be attending Georgia Tech part-time via their Online Master's in Computer Science program (OMSCS) while continuing to work full-time. I am planning to target the Machine Learning Concentration, and cannot wait to dive into the vast course offerings OMSCS offers. That's one of the main reasons I chose this program - the flexibility and the ability to tailor my education to my interests and career goals. I am particularly interested in taking classes such as AI, ML, RL, DL, Education Technology, and Knowledge-Based AI. The uniqueness of these courses will allow me to delve into the subtopics that interest me most while providing a challenging, hands-on curriculum.

I plan to use this platform to continue sharing updates on my journey in this blog-style format. If you have any ideas or recommendations for topics you'd like me to cover, feel free to let me know.

If you are a GT student, or really any student interested in connecting, feel free to shoot me a message! Thanks for reading!